In publica commoda

Press release: Foundation Committee strongly rejects Senate's proposal

No. 156 - 22.10.2024

At its special meeting on 21 October 2024, the University Foundation Committee discussed the Senate's proposal to vote out the President of the University of Göttingen, Professor Metin Tolan. The result of the meeting was that it rejected the proposal very clearly. The Committee has issued the following statement to explain its decision:


“Removing the president from office is ultima ratio. As such, it requires the exhaustion of all other means and a precise justification. After a thorough assessment, the University Foundation Committee does not consider either of these requirements to have been met sufficiently. The Senate's reasoning for its proposal to dismiss the President does not show that it had been carefully derived with reference to the President's responsibilities. The validity of the ad personam arguments against the president cannot be verified. The University Foundation Committee looks forward to the joint consultation with the Senate in the hope that an agreement can be reached for the benefit of the entire University.”


The president remains in office.