In publica commoda

Targeted job research

job search

We support you with the following topics:

  • Develop an individual search strategy based on the potential analysis
  • Identify research sources and use them efficiently
  • Hidden job market
  • Professional networking
  • Analyze job advertisements and assess the accuracy of fit between the requirements of the position and the skills and personality profile

Would you like to further optimize your job search or know how you can use your professional network to find suitable positions? You can discuss your questions in a confidential setting.
To register for a consultation, please use the consultation registration form. The service is aimed at matriculated students with career aspirations outside academia.

Materials for self-information:
We have also compiled extensive material on all phases of the application process for you in Stud.IP under Career Service Online-Angebote In the file structure there in folder 2 “Job Search Strategy” you will find information, for example, on targeted job searches and ways of contacting employers.