Decentralized quality management at the Faculty of Biology and Psychology

What is it all about?

The degree programs are examined and evaluated in detail in regular quality rounds. All those involved in the degree programs (teaching staff, students, administration) are given the opportunity to discuss the degree program, its quality and its development prospects, work together on challenges and develop recommendations for action. External students and experts are also regularly involved in this process.

What does this have to do with me?

The quality rounds offer the best opportunity to actively help shape the study conditions for you and future generations of students. Here you will find short videos that explain quality management at the University of Göttingen and the quality rounds. Your participation in this process is important, because without student feedback it is almost impossible to further develop the degree programs.

Examples of previous results of the process

  • Establishment of a lecture series “Perspectives in Biology” on the topic of career opportunities
  • Flexibilisation of the modules offered and creation of an elective (compulsory) area in the BSc in Biochemistry
  • Integration of “Good Scientific Practice” also for Bachelor's students in the BSc Biodiversity and optional course for students in the teaching degree program
  • Improved registration procedure for compulsory elective modules in the second stage of the BSc in Biodiversity (lottery procedure with prioritisation)
  • Guide for students in the teaching degree program on the Bachelor's thesis in biology
  • Possibility of an Erasmus+ stay also via the Faculty of Chemistry for students on the BSc Biochemistry programme

How does the process work at the Faculty?

The Faculty's degree programs have been divided into 4 clusters (see below), in each of which a quality round takes place every two years. Each quality round is prepared by an organization team consisting of representatives of all status groups. This team decides which topics are to be discussed and how the quality round should be structured. The actual quality rounds are open discussion rounds, to which all students and lecturers of the relevant degree programs are invited and discuss the prepared topics. The organizational team then formulates proposals for measures based on the results of the discussion, which are reported to the Study Commission and the Faculty Council. These bodies formally decide on the implementation of the measures and ensure the cross-faculty control of the quality management system.

  • Cluster 1 (Biology)

    • B.Sc. Biologie
    • B.Sc. Biochemie
    • M.Sc. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
    • M.Sc. Molecular Life Sciences: Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
    • M.Sc. Developmental, Neural, and Behavioral Biology

    Next quality round: WiSe 25/26
    Current catalog of measures (pdf)

  • Cluster 2 (Biodiversity)

    • B.Sc. Biologische Diversität und Ökologie
    • M.Sc. Biodiversity: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
    • M.Sc./Master of International Nature Conservation
    • Doctorate Biodiversity and Ecology

    Next quality round: 07.10.2024
    Current catalog of measures (pdf)

  • Cluster 3 (Doctorate)

    • M.Sc./Ph.D. Molecular Biology (IMPRS)
    • M.Sc./Ph.D. Neurosciences (IMPRS)
    • GGNB-Promotionsstudiengänge

    Next quality round: WiSe 24/25
    Current catalog of measures

  • Cluster 4 (Psychology)

    • (Polyvalenter) B. Sc. Psychologie
    • M. Sc. Psychologie
    • M. Sc. Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

    Next quality round: WiSe 25/26
    Current catalog of measures