Erasmus+ KA 171 - Information for Staff

General Information for Incoming and Outgoing Staff

Applicants have to fill in an online application form, the link to which can be found in the respective call published on this programme's website. The current open calls with their respective information and deadlines can be found here.

Please note that all staff applicants have to hand in an invitation letter from an employee at the host university in order to apply for an Erasmus+ KA 171 mobility. Thus, staff members interested in an exchange through the KA 171 programme should already have established contact with the concerned faculty at the University of Göttingen or at the university abroad beforehand. For your application, please contact us at If you are eligible for the funding programme, we will inform you directly about further steps, the necessary documents and anything else you need to bear in mind.

The mobility can also be organised as so-called ‘blended mobility’, meaning a combination of physical mobility and a virtual component. The latter enables better teamwork and an online learning exchange. It should be noted that the ‘virtual’ days are not financially supported and do not count towards the Erasmus+ quota.

The mobility of lecturers or employees can be supported for a stay of at least 5 days up to a 2 months' duration (excluding travel days). The individual support for staff mobility from Erasmus+ EU funds is:

  • Outgoing staff (from Germany to partner country): The amount of individual support is 180 EUR per day up to the 14th day of activity and 126 EUR per day from the 15th day.
  • Incoming staff (from partner country to Germany): The amount of individual support is 160 EUR per day up to the 14th day of activity and 112 EUR per day from the 15th day.

The final amount for the mobility period shall be determined by multiplying the number of days of the mobility with the individual support rate applicable per day for the receiving country and adding the contribution for travel to the amount obtained.

For travel costs in the Erasmus+ Programme, travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator.

After a successful application, additional funding for social participation (Social Top up) and sustainable travel (Green Travel) can be applied for.

All grant holders are insured by a central Group Insurance (covering Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Accident Insurance and Assistance Insurance), which will be centrally organised by the Project Coordination Team at the institution. The participant shall have adequate insurance coverage. The insurance costs (approximately 1.50 EUR per day) are deducted from the individual support.

In preparation of the mobility, participants are required to hand in various documents. One very important document is the so-called Mobility Agreement in which the contents of the courses taught by the grantee (teaching mobility) or the training activities conducted at the host university (training mobility) are agreed on.

Here you can take a look at the Mobility Agreement form for teaching: Mobility Agreement for Teaching Staff

Here you can take a look at the Mobility Agreement form for training: Mobility Agreement for Training Staff

For outgoing staff mobilities, a travel authorization request has to be filed via Lucom.

At the end of your stay, the Certificate of Attendance must be filled out by the receiving institution, confirming your stay, the dates and the number of teaching hours.

Staff participants who are doing a mobility for teaching purposes will have to fulfil a certain number of teaching hours that is dependent on the length of their stay abroad. The teaching activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time. If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week shall be proportional to the duration of that week (8 hours / 5 days* number of additional days).

The required number of teaching hours for any individual mobility is written in both the Mobility Agreement and the Grant Agreement.

The Erasmus+ programme aims to promote equal opportunities and inclusion by facilitating access to transnational activities for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds and with fewer opportunities, where this disadvantage limits or prevents participation in such activities.

Please note, it is possible to apply for exceptional funding available through DAAD (you can find further information here). In case you need any kind of support in this regard, please contact us at

Further information can be found on our page Equal Opportunities for International Mobility.

Information for Incoming Staff

Flight Ticket to Germany

Erasmus+ KA 171 grantees are required to organize their travels to Germany or rather to Göttingen on their own. They will receive their lump sum travel allowance upon arrival at the first meeting with the project coordination (the amount is written in the Acceptance Letter and the Grant Agreement).

It is recommendable to book a flight to the airport Frankfurt am Main as this is the closest airport to Göttingen. From there it is best to take the train to reach the city of Göttingen.

Train Ticket to Göttingen

Since the immigration control, baggage claim or the declaration of goods at the airport might be very busy, one should calculate at least with one hour of time after the plane’s landing to get to the central stations.

There are very convenient direct trains from the Airport of Frankfurt am Main to Göttingen central station at 120 minute intervals. However, it is possible to change the trains, usually at Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof (central station), and then there are more connections during the day to Göttingen central station. The following website can be used for more information on train connections and for buying the tickets: Deutsche Bahn.

Please note that there are two train stations at the Airport of Frankfurt am Main: The regional station for regional commuter trains (in German: Regionalbahnhof, short: Regionalbhf.) and the station for long distance trains (in German: Fernbahnhof, short: Fernbhf.). Hence, it is important to ensure which is the right station and platform for the booked connection.

Furthermore, there is no need to get confused when a sign reads “Frankfurt (Main)” or “Frankfurt am Main”. This does not necessarily refer to Frankfurt main station (Hauptbahnhof), but merely indicates that the city is Frankfurt upon the river “Main” as opposed to Frankfurt upon the river “Oder”.

How to Buy the Train Ticket

Train tickets can be purchased online or directly at the train station. We recommend buying them online as this will be less stressful after the possibly long and exhausting flight. For online purchases a credit card is required. Please make sure to print the ticket in good quality in case it needs to be shown to the train conductor.

Moreover, a full price ticket (standard fare) could be the better option, since budget price tickets are only valid for one exact train connection. This means that it would be necessary to buy a new ticket at the train station in case of any flight delays.

Upon arrival in Göttingen, grantees will receive the contribution to the travel costs (the amount is written in the Acceptance Letter and the Grant Agreement) as well as the first 70% of the individual support in cash. This amount will be handed over at the first meeting with the project coordination about which participants will be informed before their arrival.

The last instalment, i.e. the last 30% of the individual support, shall be given to the staff member in cash just before the end of the mobility at the final meeting with the project coordinator.


International Office
Education and Mobility Programmes
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen
Plan of Site
