CIDAS Colloquium


24.10.2024: Andreas Stephan: From Calculation to Adjudication: Examining LLM judges on Mathematical Reasoning Task
21.11.2024: Dr. Daniel Schanz: Advances in Experimental Fluid Dynamics from a Data Science perspective
28.11.2024: Dr. Hossein Estiri: A general approach for identifying profile shifts in functional genomics data
05.12.2024: Prof. Dr. Caroline Friedel: A general approach for identifying profile shifts in functional genomics data
19.12.2024: Prof. Dr. Julian Kunkel: Provision of AI Services for Research and Teaching with GWDG and KISSKI and Efficient Storage Systems
23.01.2025: Josh Moore: Scalable strategies for a next-generation of FAIR bioimaging

The lectures will take place at 2:15 p.m. in Goldschmidtstraße 1, Room 1.130 the get-together afterwards will be in Goldschmidstraße 1, Room 2.143


Künstliche Intelligenz in Bewegung - Angebote und Innovationen

Die GWDG wird zusammen mit dem DOAG, KISSKI und CIDAS am 23. Oktober Gastgeber des KI-Busses sein, der deutschlandweit Werbung für die KI-Navigator Konferenz in Nürnberg macht. Dabei bieten wir ein Rahmenprogramm aus Vorträgen einer Podiumsdiskussion und auch einem Catering, um Göttinger Anwender und Anwenderinnen von KI in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Softwareentwicklung in den Fokus zu stellen. Weiterhin wird es die Möglichkeit geben, sich beim Networking über KI-Themen auszutauschen.
Dabei ist das Event als Walk-in gedacht, für das keine Registrierung notwendig ist. Sollten sie sich allerdings kostenlos verpflegen wollen, bitten wir um eine Anmeldung um Catering in ausreichendem Umfang vorhalten zu können.

Weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter:


SAVE THE DATE: “FDM@Campus” in September 2024

The Göttingen eResearch Alliance will organize a joint conference “FDM@Campus” in Göttingen from September 23-25, 2024. At this event, we want to mutually inform each other about our approaches and exchange experiences.

In these days, the topic Research Data Management (RDM) plays a major role at universities, colleges and research institutions. In parallel, most German states have formed initiatives to offer RDM services at the state level. Additionally, there exist disciplinary services of the NFDI consortia on the national level and INF projects of CRCs.

This raises the question for universities, colleges and research institutions: How can we combine and use these different spheres efficiently, in order to offer the best RDM services to researchers on site?

The topics of our conference could be, among others:
• Exemplary RDM services
• Models for operation and consolidation
• Organisation of different players
• Competencies – Who ist responsible for what?
• Workflows and technical solutions for RDM at the campus
• Roles and integration of state initiatives and the NFDI
• Experiences with INF projects in CRCs for RDM service development



KonKIS 24 – The first conference of the German AI Service Centers

Registration is open

KISSKI, the Göttingen AI Service Center for Sensitive and Critical Infrastructure, and the University of Göttingen, will host KonKIS24, the first conference of the German AI Service Centers, on 18 – 19 September 2024. This year’s focus will be on the KISSKI Symposium 2024 – Advancing Secure AI in Critical Infrastructures for Health and Energy.

The conference is aimed at both science and industry, especially from small and medium-sized companies, with a need for computing power and AI expertise.

We are looking forward to keynote talks by experts from the fields of “AI & Society”, “AI & Energy” and “AI & Healthcare” by Prof. Dr. Judith Simon (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße (University of Oldenburg) and Prof. Dr. Anne-Laure Boulesteix (LMU Munich). Register now or submit an abstract for a contributed talk in one of the sessions or for a poster. Get inspired by the panel discussions on “AI use in the healthcare sector: Current technical, legal and ethical developments (AI Act), challenges and opportunities”, “AI: turbo for innovations in the energy system” and “AI made in Germany: How do AI service centers accelerate the transfer of AI applications to companies?”. Participate in one of three workshops or in a guided tour of the Göttingen data center. Enjoy the exchange and networking with multipliers and start-ups.

Interested? Visit the conference website for more details:


1st Proud and Strong in Computing Conference

June 24-25, 2024, Göttingen

The GWDG, together with the TU Dresden, is hosting the first Proud and Strong in Computing Conference in Göttingen from June 24th to 25th. The event focuses on raising awareness for the (missing) diversity in scientific computing and cognate disciplines and networking. This could be a chance for you to present your current (early-stage) research in a welcoming atmosphere. We are offering four tracks to contribute to:
Research Track: Current trends in HPC and cognate Science Domains
Research Track: Current trends in AI and ML
Research Track: Gender research and Diversity
Research Track: open call
Track: Personal Experiences in HPC and cognate disciplines
Please check out the call for contributions for more information (

The 1st Proud and Strong in Computing Conference keynote speaker will be Prof. Dr. Sarah Neuwirth from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. The panel discussion afterwards will highlight diversity and especially integration culture in the employment process and thereafter.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Göttingen.


Science Movie Nights – Of natural and artificial intelligences


April 11, 2024, 7 pm; Rechenzentrum am Burckhardtweg 4, 37077 Göttingen.

Predicting and preventing crimes before they occur – what sounds like science fiction has long been a reality in many places. All around the world, police departments have implemented methods of predictive policing, using algorithms and machine learning to predict the place, time and perpetrator of crimes.

But how reliable are these methods really? How do they interact with existing prejudices and discrimination? And how much freedom do we want to give up in order to feel safe? Filmmakers Monika Hielscher and Matthias Heeder explore these questions in their documentary Pre-Crime (2017).

We invite you to a screening of Pre-Crime followed by a panel discussion. Data scientist Dr. Valentin Gold (University of Göttingen) and legal scholar Hauke Bock (University of Leipzig) will discuss the technological, ethical and legal implications of predictive policing. The discussion will be hosted by Prof. Ramin Yahyapour (GWDG).

The film and the panel discussion will be in German, but questions in English are welcome as well. Entrance is free.

Further information


Opportunities for research stays of students and researchers at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Planas will present opportunities for fully funded research stays at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, Japan, for master’s students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral researchers in Computer Science, Data Science, and related fields such as Mathematics, Physics, and Information Technology.

• When: April 15, 11:45 – 12:30
• Where: SUB Central Library, conference room 3.103
• Participation via Zoom:

Located in the heart of Tokyo, NII is Japan’s premiere institute for all areas of computer science researchand global scientific data infrastructure support. Prof. Planas is the Director of NII’s Global Liaison Office, which maintains close MOU partnerships with the University of Göttingen and over 100 other institutions worldwide.

NII welcomes master’s and PhD candidates from MOU partner institutions for research internships spanning 3 to 6 months. Additionally, NII researchers can invite international colleagues for short-term stays or send team members abroad for research visits (up to 2 months) as part of the MOU Program.

Pictures and reports of former participants:


Job announcement: Data Scientist (f/m/d)

Application deadline: April 30th, 2024

The Department of Medical Informatics and the Cluster of Excellence "Multiscale Bioimaging" (MBExC) invite applications for a Data Scientist (f/m/d) for high performance computation.
Fixed term until 31.12.2025, full time position (38.5 h/week) | salary according to TV-L.



Science Movie Nights – Of Natural and Artificial Intelligences


In the near future, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet every need.

In 2013, this was Science Fiction. But is it still today?

AI-based operating systems and virtual assistants enable human-like linguistic communication and interaction in various areas of our lives. But what happens when virtuality and reality become increasingly intertwined and feelings develop between humans and machines? To explore this topic, we invite you to a screening of the film Her followed by a panel discussion. Data scientist Prof. Alexander Ecker, psychologist Dr. Vanessa Mitschke and philosopher Prof. Catrin Misselhorn will discuss the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence and its ethical challenges. The discussion will be hosted by Prof. Thomas Kneib.

About the film:

In Spike Jonze’s award winning movie Her, Academy Award Winner Joaquin Phoenix stars as the introverted and lonely Theodore, who writes personal and empathetic letters for other people professionally. In the final stages of his divorce, he purchases the world’s first artificially intelligent operating system. Theodore quickly finds himself drawn in with Samantha, the voice behind his new virtual assistant (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). As they start spending time together, they grow closer and closer and eventually find themselves in love. Samantha helps Theodore in ways others hadn't, but how does she help him deal with his inner conflict of being in love with an operating system? The film received more than 30 awards, among them an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for the best screenplay.

The film is shown in English with German subtitles. Entrance is free.

March 5 2024, 7 pm; Lecture Hall of the German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4.

Further information


Science Movie Nights – Of Natural and Artificial Intelligences

Krähen - Die Natur beobachtet uns

They are deified, persecuted and chased away. Corvids are the only animals that have observed and studied us humans for thousands of years, but also have the ability to pass on this accumulated knowledge to their offspring. They are extremely clever and are said to have a very extensive memory. Corvids are also known as "feathered apes". But how clever are these birds really? And what are the differences and similarities between corvids and primates? And what do the crows know about us in return? "Is there a collective knowledge about humans in the flocks of crows?", is the central question of this documentary film by Martin Schilt.

Following the screening on Thursday, February 8, 2024, we invite the audience to discuss all these questions with primate researcher Dr. Claudia Fichtel from the German Primate Center in Göttingen and corvid expert Dr. Claudia Wascher from Anglia Ruskin University (England).

The film is narrated in German, but most interviews with researchers in film are in English with German subtitles. Tickets can be purchased via the website of the Lumière.

📅 08.02.24
🕖 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
📍Lumière, Geismar Landstraße 19, 37073 Göttingen

Further info

Claudia Wascher (Anglia Ruskin University) & Claudia Fichtel (DPZ)


Marketplace for theses and projects

On Friday, 19.01.2024, the CIDAS marketplace for final theses and projects will take place again in the Foyer of Geosciences and Geography, Goldschmidtstr. 3-5. Starting at 1 p.m., lecturers and researchers will present topics for theses and projects related to data science in the form of a poster session.

The event is aimed at students of data science, computer science and statistics as well as all those interested in data science from the application subjects. In addition, the marketplace offers a good opportunity to find out about the research of other groups and to exchange ideas with colleagues on the Göttingen Campus.

If you would like to participate as a research group, please sent a mail at by 12.01.2024 to register - so that we can ensure that sufficient space and poster walls are available. Please also include the title of your poster/topic and your institution as well as contact details so that these can also be made available to students.


ZDF science show on the secrets of emergence

Viola Priesemann talks about complex systems and emergence

The enigma of emergence - surprisingly complex properties that can be found in nature, in society and increasingly also in technology. For example, ants that act collectively without central control, or nerve cells that together could form human consciousness.

In the 12.10.23 edition of the ZDF science program Scobel, experts deal with the topic: "Emergence: The hidden principle of life". They shed light on the interaction of simple, small particles to form large, complex patterns as well as the emergence of global social and cultural phenomena.

Professor Viola Priesemann, physicist at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the University of Göttingen as well as a member of CIDAS, is one of the invited experts. She will contribute her knowledge of the theory of neural systems and discuss, among other things, the importance of emergence for learning in neural networks.



Ausstellung: KI & Data Science Entdecken

Ausstellung Plakat (klein)

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verändert unsere Art zu arbeiten, zu lernen und zu kommunizieren immer mehr. Doch was steckt hinter den Technologien dieses Wandels? Um diese Frage zu beantworten lädt das CIDAS (Campus-Institut Data Science) alle Interessierten ein, in die spannende Welt von Algorithmen und Datenverarbeitung einzutauchen. Im Digital Creative Space der SUB Göttingen präsentiert sich am 07. & 08. November 2023 die Ausstellung "KI & Data Science Erleben". Hier wird nicht nur Wissen vermittelt, sondern die Gelegenheit geboten, Modelle und Verfahren direkt zu erleben.



CIDAS-Fellowship 2024

Application Deadline: Sunday, October 29th, 2023

The Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) is a central scientific unit of the Georg-August-University Göttingen. CIDAS promotes interdisciplinary exchange and activities among faculties and campus-wide in the field of data science. The CIDAS invites applications for two fellowships for outstanding young scientists to pursue their own innovative research agenda in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Funding Objectives:
CIDAS supports young scientists at an early stage of their career to independently develop projects and to create a perspective to work independently for several years at the Göttingen Campus in the field of Data Science. In particular, the collaboration between methodological or theoretical researchers and applied scientists at the Göttingen Campus and within CIDAS should be promoted. The application should describe the career perspectives of the applicant and show how it opens a path to scientific independence and own third-party funding.



HeKKSaGOn AI Symposium

Data science and machine learning have become a core topic in academia and industry in the last decade with major breakthroughs in some application fields. Purely data driven methods are still dominating this sector, often called “modern AI”; but increasingly efforts exist to merge those with knowlegde-based symbol manipulation approaches, known from long ago and associated with - what people had called - “GOFAI”.

The Symposium is organised by the three working groups:
Mathematics at the Interface of Science and Technolog
Robotics for Health, Well-being, Safe and Resilient Societies
The Digital World: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics

The call for abstracts is now open!



NDR Science Podcast Synapses on Opportunities and Risks of AI

Introducing Chat GPT
CIDAS members Bela Gipp and Norman Meuschke discuss the use of AI in university teaching and research

The rapid technological progress of artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing numerous areas of application. Alongside optimism, there are also increasing concerns and calls for stricter regulation.

In the current episode of the NDR Science Podcast Synapses , scientists discuss the question "No fear of artificial intelligence?" They explore the possibilities and consequences of AI application, ethical foundations and concerns, as well as the pros and cons of technology regulation.

CIDAS members Prof. Bela Gipp and Dr. Norman Meuschke participate in the discussion. In the podcast, they talk predominantly about the prospects, challenges, and experiences of using generative language models like ChatGPT in university teaching and research (starting at 17'12'').

to Podcast…

Künstliche Intelligenz unterstützt Richterinnen und Richter in Zivilprozessen

Neues Forschungsprojekt an der Universität Göttingen will Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeiten

Wie können moderne Technologien genutzt werden, um Richterinnen und Richter dabei zu unterstützen, gleichgelagerte Verfahren effektiver zu bearbeiten? Derzeit wird an ausgewählten Gerichten in Niedersachsen eine KI-gestützte Richterassistenz erprobt. Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsteam der Universität Göttingen begleitet das Projekt „Künstliche Intelligenz und richterliche Entscheidungsfindung“. Die Forschenden untersuchen die normativen, rechtlichen und technischen Anforderungen und Grenzen eines KI-Systems in der Zivilprozesspraxis und wollen Handlungsempfehlungen für diesen Bereich erarbeiten. Das Niedersächsische Justizministerium fördert das Forschungsprojekt mit 72.000 Euro für einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren.



Data Science Summer School 2023

Knowledge and skills in Data Science are becoming indispensable for researchers of all disciplines. Especially young researchers profit from knowing about the scope and application areas of Data Science in scientific work in specific and across different disciplines. Furthermore, they must understand the belonging implications for scientific inquiries, and the skills required by a data scientist to be productive in a world deluged by data.

The University of Göttingen is pleased to host an International Summer School on Data Science this year again. For the fourth time since 2017 Master and PhD students are welcome to apply and take part in the Summer School.

The date: September 11-22, 2023



Next General Assembly and Equality General Assembly of CIDAS

The next general assembly and equality general assembly of CIDAS will be held on June 27th, 2023.
Members interested in the position of Equal Opportunities Officer can express their interest to the Equal Opportunities Officer, Prof. Dr. Heike Bickeböller (hbickeb(at), or to the management of the CIDAS office, Dr. Isabelle Matthias (isabelle.matthias(at)


CIDAS Marketplace for Theses and Projects

On Friday, June 9, 2023, starting at 13:00 the 6th CIDAS Marketplace for Theses will take place. Once again in presence as a poster session in the foyer of the Geosciences and Geography, Goldschmidtstr. 3-5 (location map:
In the context of the marketplace, lecturers and scientists can present topics for theses and projects related to Data Science or the work of the research group in general and exchange experiences with students.
The event is aimed at students of Data Science, Computer Science and Statistics as well as for all those interested in Data Science from the application disciplines. In addition, the marketplace is a good opportunity to learn about the research of other groups and to exchange ideas with colleagues from the Göttingen Campus.

If you would like to participate as a research group, please contact janphilipp.ressler[at] by May 19, 2023 - so that we can make sure that enough space and poster display walls are available. If you like, please also include the title of your poster/topic, your institution and its contact person.


Eröffnungssymposium: KISSKI – neues KI-Servicezentrum in der Region Göttingen / Hannover/ Kassel


Der Fokus des KI-Servicezentrums liegt auf Anwendungen und Forschungstätigkeiten in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Energie. Diese Wirtschaftsbereiche zählen zu entscheidenden Infrastrukturen in Deutschland und stellen höchste Ansprüche im Bereich des Datenschutzes. Das KISSKI ermöglicht Pilotprojekte von Wissenschaftler:innen und Industrie (insbesondere Startups und KMUs).

Was ist unsere Vision für KISSKI? Wie gehen wir den Betrieb und wie können Sie Ihre Pilotprojekte in KISSKI durchführen?

Das Symposium bietet spannende Einblicke in unsere Planung rund um das KI-Servicezentrum, anregende Diskussionsrunden rund um KI in Energie und Medizin sowie eine hervorragende Gelegenheit zum Networking und Austausch mit Stakeholdern aus Ihrer Branche.

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen unter:


Public Symposium: “Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Biomedicine”


The ProCAIMed consortium cordially invites you to the symposium "Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Biomedicine" on 16 May 2023 at Herrenhausen Palace. Is there a right to treatment with AI? How does to protect patient data and at the same time make it usable as a resource for AI applications for the benefit of future patients? How can doctors and nurses interact with algorithmic systems in assessment and decision-making situations?
On 16 May, you can discuss these and other questions with experts from various scientific disciplines, including Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx, Chair of the German Ethics Council, Dr. Maren Lang, Director BioInformatics R&D at BioNTech and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl, Professor of Computer Science and Executive Director of the L3S Research Centre. In addition to ethical, legal, and social issues, challenges, and approaches to solutions in the medical field will also be discussed. The symposium is aimed at the broad professional public from medicine, science, the health industry and politics as well as organised civil society.

Participation is free of charge and registration is now open. The symposium will be held exclusively in German.

Date: 16 May 2023 in Hanover, Herrenhausen Palace, admission from 10:30 AM

ProCAIMed is a joint project of Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS), CIIM (Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine), Georg-August-University Göttingen, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover Medical School, and the University Medical Centre Göttingen.


CIADS Colloquium im summer semester 2023

13.04.2023: Dr. Terry Lima Ruas: AI Usage Cards: Responsibly Reporting AI-generated Content
27.04.2023: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele: Embedded Deep Learning, Green AI and the Internet of Intelligent Things - Efficiency is Key
11.05.2023: Dr. Philipp Bekemeyer: Machine Learning for Enhancing and Complementing Computational Fluid Dynamics - Potentials and Limitations for Aerospace Applications
25.05.2023: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kohlbacher: TBA
08.06.2023 postponed to 15.06.2023: Dr. Nicolai Spicher: Quantitative analysis methods for post-hoc interpretability in neural networks for biosignal analysis
06.07.2023: Prof. Dr. Joschka Bödecker: Inverse Q-Learning as a Tool to Investigate Behavior and its Neural Correlates

The lectures will take place at 2:15 p.m. in Goldschmidtstraße 7, Raum 2.101 the get-together afterwards will be in Goldschmidstraße 7, Meeting Room 2nd floor


CIDAS Marketplace for Theses and Projects

On Friday, 20/01/2023, 1-3 p.m. the 5th CIDAS Marketplace for Theses will take place. Once again in presence as a poster session in the foyer of the Geosciences and Geography, Goldschmidtstr. 3-5

In the context of the marketplace, lecturers and scientists can present topics for theses and projects related to Data Science or the work of the research group in general and exchange experiences with students.
The event is aimed at students of Data Science, Computer Science and Statistics as well as for all those interested in Data Science from the application disciplines. In addition, the marketplace offers a good opportunity to learn about the research of other groups and to exchange ideas with colleagues from the Göttingen Campus.



Job Announcement: Full Professor (W2) for Practical Computer Science (f/m/d)

Application Deadline: 27.02.2023

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen invites applications for

Full Professor (W2) for Practical Computer Science (f/m/d) at the Institute of Computer Science.

This professorship will be part of the Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) and will contribute to its development. CIDAS is a central institution of the University of Göttingen that fosters collaboration with partners of the Göttingen Campus, including the University Medical Center, the Cluster of Excellence “Multiscale Bioimaging,” several Max Planck Institutes, the Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, the Academy of Sciences and the German Aerospace Center Göttingen.



Seminar by Dr. Saif M. Mohammad “The Search for Emotions, Creativity, and Fairness in Language”

Abstract: Emotions are central to human experience, creativity, and behavior. They are crucial for organizing meaning and reasoning about the world we live in. They are ubiquitous and everyday, yet complex and nuanced. In this talk, I will describe our work on the search for emotions in language -- by humans (through data annotation projects) and by machines (in automatic emotion and sentiment analysis systems). I will outline ways in which emotions can be represented, challenges in obtaining reliable annotations, and approaches that lead to high-quality annotations and useful sentiment analysis systems. I will discuss wide-ranging applications of emotion detection in natural language processing, psychology, social sciences, digital humanities, and computational creativity. Finally, I will discuss various ethical considerations involved in emotion recognition and sentiment analysis — the often unsaid assumptions and implications of our choices.

Date: December 14th, 2022, start is 3 p.m. (lecture ca. 45 min followed by 15 min for QA)
Venue: Alfred-Hessel-Saal (SUB)



KI-Servicezentrum für sensible und kritische Infrastrukturen

Gebündelte Kompetenz für Künstliche Intelligenz
Neues Verbundprojekt – KI-Servicezentrum für sensible und kritische Infrastrukturen

Die gestiegenen Ansprüche der Forschung im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI), kontinuierlich immer leistungsfähiger werdende Hardware und die steigende Verfügbarkeit von Daten und Algorithmen haben zu enormen Fortschritten im Rahmen der KI geführt. Um diesen Prozess für kritische Infrastrukturen, insbesondere in den Bereichen Energie und Medizin, weiter zu fokussieren und künftig als kompetenter Ansprechpartner zu fungieren, erforschen fünf Einrichtungen aus der Mitte Deutschlands, wie ein KI-Servicezentrum aufgebaut werden kann. Das Verbundprojekt „KI-Servicezentrum für sensible und kritische Infrastrukturen (KISSKI)“ unter Leitung der Universität Göttingen wird vom Bundesforschungsministerium über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren mit 17 Millionen Euro gefördert.



Ausschreibung einer Stelle für wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte (d/m/w) “Machine learning for lung protective ventilation”

Application Deadline: Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

Job description:
Mechanical ventilation is the most important supportive and life-sustaining measure for severe acute respiratory failure in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Conservative estimates suggest that about 150.000 patients per year suffer from ARDS in Europe alone. Ensuring pulmonary gas exchange buys time to treat the underlying cause of the disease. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a massive increase in ARDS cases worldwide and has highlighted the possibilities, but also the limitations and problems associated with mechanical ventilation. The concept of lung protective ventilation aims at preventing injurious side effects while enhancing protection by monitoring several variables that captured during mechanical ventilation such as the tidal volume, the peak airway pressure or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, current therapeutic approaches, often only addressing a few variables, do not sufficiently account for treatment corridors to be specified for the setting of mechanical ventilation and thus fail to adapt to personalized mechanical ventilation for the individual patient. More…


CIDAS-Fellowship 2023

Application Deadline: Sunday, November 13th, 2022

The Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) is a central scientific unit of the Georg-August-Uni- versity Göttingen. CIDAS promotes interdisciplinary exchange and activities among faculties and campus-wide in the field of data science. The CIDAS invites applications for two fellowships for outstanding young scientists to pursue their own innovative research agenda in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Funding Objectives:
CIDAS supports young scientists at an early stage of their career to independently develop projects and to create a perspective to work independently for several years at the Göttingen Campus in the field of Data Science. In particular, the collaboration between methodological or theoretical researchers and applied scientists at the Göttingen Campus and within CIDAS should be promoted. The application should describe the career perspectives of the applicant and show how it opens a path to scientific independence and own third-party funding.



Unsere Emotionen bestimmen, was wir sehen

Die Pupillengröße der Augen wird nicht nur durch Licht beeinflusst, sondern auch durch den inneren, emotionalen Zustand einer Person. Ein internationales Forschungsteam bestehend aus Neurowissenschaftlern und Neurowissenschaftlerinnen der Universitäten Göttingen und Tübingen, sowie des Baylor College of Medicine in Houston konnte nun erste Antworten auf die Frage liefern, warum sich die Pupillengröße mit dem inneren Zustand ändert und ob diese schnellen, gemütsabhängigen Veränderungen der Pupille die Art und Weise verändern, wie wir unsere Umgebung wahrnehmen. Die Ergebnisse sind in der Fachzeitschrift Nature erschienen.



Job Announcement: Full Professor (W2) for Data Science (f/m/d)

Application Deadline: 10.10.2022

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen invites applications for

Full Professor (W2) for Data Science (f/m/d) (w/m/d)

The professorship will be part of the Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) and will contribute to its development. CIDAS is a central institution of the University of Göttingen that fosters collaboration with partners of the Göttingen Campus, including the University Medical Center, the Cluster of Excellence “Multiscale Bioimaging,” several Max Planck Institutes, the Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, the Academy of Sciences and the German Aerospace Center Göttingen.



CIDAS und den Digital Creative Space bei der Nacht des Wissens entdecken

Bei der Nacht des Wissens am 9. Juli 2022 stellt das Campus Institut Data Science (CIDAS) verschiedene Stationen zum Mitmachen und Entdecken im Foyer und dem neu eröffnenden Digital Creative Space (DCS) in der Zentralbibliothek bereit. Von einem Kubistischen Spiegel über das Überwachen von Wäldern bis zum Gehirn in virtueller Realität bieten verschiedene Arbeitsgruppen anschauliche Beispiele Ihrer Forschungsarbeit mit Daten an.

Der zum 09.07.2022 öffnende DCS ist ein neues Raumangebot an der SUB Göttingen, entwickelt zusammen mit Digitales Lernen und Lehren der Universität. Der Raum bietet mehrere Multitouch-Tische mit verschiedenen Lern- und Arbeitsszenarien, eine Videowall sowie dreiseitige Stelen, auf denen unterschiedliche Grade an analog-digitaler Zusammenarbeit möglich sind. Auch bequeme, informelle Arbeitsplätze am Küchentisch oder Lounge-Ecken laden zum gemeinsamen Entwickeln neuer Ideen ein oder in der Nacht des Wissens zum Erkunden der Forschung des CIDAS.



CIDAS lecture series

Overview of the dates of the lecture series:
28.04.2022: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmitzer
12.05.2022: Prof. Dr. Anne-Christin Hauschild
02.06.2022: Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp
16.06.2022: Prof. Dr. Tim Kietzmann
23.06.2022: Dr. Katja Niemann
30.06.2022: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Bergherr (postponed to the next winter semester)
14.07.2022: Prof. Dr. Niels Grabe - Virtual event


The lectures will take place at 2:15 p.m. in the GZG, room MN11(Goldschmidtstr. 3-5) and a get-together afterwards will be in room 16-4 (Goldschmidtstr. 3-5).


CIDAS Marketplace for Theses

On Friday, June 24th, 2022 at 1:30-3:00 p.m., the 4th CIDAS Marketplace for Theses will take place as a poster session in the foyer of the Geosciences and Geography, Goldschmidtstr. 3-5 (Lageplan).
During the marketplace, lecturers and researchers can present topics for theses and projects related to data science or the work of the research group in general and exchange ideas with students.
The event is aimed at students of data science, computer science and statistics as well as all those interested in data science from the application subjects. In addition, the marketplace provides you a good opportunity to gain an overview of the research in the field of Data Science at the campus.

If you would like to participate as a research group, please send an email to m.eggertmartinez[at] by June 15th, 2022 - so that we can ensure that there is enough space and poster walls available.


CIDAS lecture series

Overview of the dates of the lecture series:
28.04.2022: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmitzer
12.05.2022: Prof. Dr. Anne-Christin Hauschild
02.06.2022: Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp
16.06.2022: Prof. Dr. Tim Kietzmann
30.06.2022: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Bergherr
14.07.2022: Prof. Dr. Niels Grabe

The lectures will take place at 2:15 p.m. in the GZG, room MN11(Goldschmidtstr. 3-5) and a get-together afterwards will be in room 16-4 (Goldschmidtstr. 3-5).


Next general assembly

The next general assembly of CIDAS will be held on May 19, 2022 at 12:15 p.m. The general assembly will also include the election of the new CIDAS board.


Welcome Prof. Dr. Constantin Pape

Prof. Dr. Pape is the head of the new research group Computational Cell Analytics at the Institute for Computer Science and a member of CIDAS. He will develop computer vision methods for applications in medicine and biology.
More: Prof. Dr. Constantin Pape


Form follows function

CIDAS member receives ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros
CIDAS member Professor Alexander Ecker from the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC has awarded his project "Deep Neuron Embeddings: Data-driven multi-modal discovery of cell types in the neocortex" a total of 1.5 million euros over five years. Ecker and his team want to find out how the shape of a neuron in the cerebral cortex relates to its function. mehr...

PraxisForum „Künstliche Intelligenz – Bilderkennung in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft“ am 27. Januar, 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Bilderkennung nimmt in der industriellen Produktion, im Online-Handel und in der Forschung einen immer höheren Stellenwert ein. Sie dient der Qualitätssicherung, ist eine wertvolle Unterstützung bei der Diagnose von Krankheiten, hilft bei der Steuerung von Verkehr und kann sogar Kunst schaffen.
Wir präsentieren Ihnen verschiedene Anwendungsfelder KI-gestützter Bilderkennung in kurzweiligen Impulsvorträgen. Details zum Programm und zur Anmeldung folgen in Kürze unter:
Das PraxisForum wird Ihnen präsentiert vom SüdniedersachsenInnovationsCampus (SNIC), dem Campus-Institut Data Science (CIDAS) der Universität Göttingen und dem DigitalHub Göttingen (betrieben vom StartRaum Göttingen in Kooperation mit der GWG Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung und Stadtentwicklung Göttingen).

Marketplace for thesis projects

The Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) is planning a marketplace for thesis projects again this semester. At the marketplace, lecturers and scientists can present topics for theses and lab rotations related to Data Science and get in touch with interested students. The event is aimed at students of data science, computer science and statistics as well as any students from the application fields with interest in data science.
The marketplace is scheduled to take place online on BigBlueButton (BBB) on Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 12pm - 3:30pm. For further information see:

External Scientific Advisory Board of the CIDAS

The members of the External Scientific Advisory Board of the CIDAS have been confirmed and in office as of today, December 1, 2021. Members of the advisory board are:
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Berens
  • Prof. Dr. Maria Blettner
  • Dr. Berit Hamer
  • Prof. Dr. Göran Kauermann
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Pfeiffer
  • Dr. Oscar-Werner Reif
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Stegle
We thank the members of the advisory board for their support and look forward to future cooperation!

Job vacancy: Beschäftigten im Verwaltungsdienst (w/m/d)

Am Zentrum für Statistik (ZfS) und dem Campus-Institut Data Science (CIDAS) der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt die Stelle einer*eines
Beschäftigten im Verwaltungsdienst (w/m/d)
im Sekretariat mit 50 % der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (zzt. 19,9 Stunden/Woche) befristet für die Dauer von zwei Jahren zu besetzen. Weitere Informationen zur Stelle finden Sie unter im Sekretariat mit 50 % der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (zzt. 19,9 Stunden/Woche) befristet für die Dauer von zwei Jahren zu besetzen.
Weitere Informationen zur Stelle finden Sie unter

Dr. Viola Priesemann receives the Wissenschaftspreis Niedersachsen 2021

Our Board member Dr. Viola Priesemann has received the Wissenschaftspreis Niedersachsen 2021:
Congratulations to Viola!

CIDAS general meeting

The next general meeting of the CIDAS takes place on Thursday, November 11th, 2021 at 12:15

Ringvorlesung Wintersemester 2021/2022: Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Science und Gesellschaft

Künstliche Intelligenz und Datenwissenschaften sind Schlüsselthemen, die zu weitreichenden Veränderungen in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft geführt haben. In nahezu jedem Bereich unseres Alltags werden signifikante Datenmengen generiert und über entsprechende Algorithmen genutzt, um Prozesse zu automatisieren und einen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Anwendungsbeispiele finden sich in der personalisierten Medizin, dem autonomen Fahren bis hin zur Steuerung von Robotern in Industrie und Medizin. Zugleich birgt der hohe Grad der Digitalisierung Herausforderungen in dem Schutz persönlicher Daten und zu ethischen Fragen KI-basierter Entscheidungsprozesse. Im Rahmen des Vorlesungsprogramms sollen die verschiedenen Aspekte der Künstlichen Intelligenz und Data Science vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Somit wird ein umfassender Einblick in dieses facettenreiche Forschungsfeld gewährt, welches sowohl die Grundlagen und Anwendungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Data Science als auch deren Auswirkungen in unserer Gesellschaft umfassen. Zugleich bietet diese Veranstaltung die Möglichkeit die Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Disziplinen aufzuzeigen und über Grenzen und Möglichkeiten aufzuklären. Die Organisation der Ringvorlesung erfolgt durch das Campus-Institut Data Science der Universität Göttingen, welches die Aufgabe hat, die fakultätsübergreifende und campusweite Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet Data Science in Lehre und Forschung zu bündeln und zu koordinieren.

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